Forthcoming Events

The interrelationship between arbitration and insolvency proceedings: Guy Lam, Simplicity, Chenming, and Sian

Alexander Tang and Jason Fees were both instructed as junior counsel in the recent, and important, Hong Kong Court of Appeal case Re Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd.

SCLHK One Day International Conference 2024

Building Resilience: Navigating Adversity in the Construction Industry

The construction industry in Hong Kong continues to face major challenges, ranging
from increasing costs of materials and labour, a competitive global environment, and the economic hangover of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the legal and commercial ground rules are changing – most notably with upcoming introduction of security of payment legislation. It is more important than ever to adapt, innovate, and enhance our resilience to overcome obstacles and continue to prosper. Through thought-provoking sessions, the 2024 SCLHK conference aims to provide knowledge and tools to assist you to meet these challenges both proactively and reactively, to better build systems and respond to risk events.

Previous Events

A Talk for Young Members: “Legal Advice on Construction Projects: Employers vs Contractors.”

Join us for an engaging panel discussion featuring lawyers and a barrister who will walk through two fictional case scenarios exploring topical challenges faced by international construction projects, including:

- Navigating the impacts of inflation,
- Addressing supply chain disruptions and
- Adoption of new technologies.




A Night at the Races with SCLHK

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites members to join a night at the races at Happy Valley Racecourse.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting followed by a talk to be given by David Neuberger, Baron of Abbotsbury GBS PC HonFRS

The prevention principle: misconceptions, recent case law and practical implications.

In this talk, Robert Scrivener a barrister at 4 Pump Court who specializes in construction, shipping, shipbuilding and energy disputes will look at some recent shipping / maritime cases that have been discussing the prevention principle; identify some of the different approaches to the prevention principle that have arisen; and discuss the implications for construction practitioners.

2023: A Bumper year for Setting aside, Enforcing and Staying Arbitration Decisions and Proceedings

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong and Ciarb EAB invite you to an evening in-person talk by Vincent Moran K.C., Barrister, Keating Chambers: “2023 – a Bumper Year for Setting Aside, Enforcing & Staying
Arbitration Decisions and Proceedings”.

Delay in Start Up Insurance

Delay in start-up (DSU) insurance (also known as advance business interruption or advance loss of profits) insures project owners for the financial consequences of a delay in project completion resulting from insured physical damage, commonly procured by Owners outside of Asia.

Handling & valuing prolongation costs claims

Join Shourav Lahiri, barrister from Atkin Chambers for an insightful and practical discussion on prolongation cost claims

SCLHK Christmas Cocktail Party

Mr. Thomas Lee, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong (SCLHK), cordially invites you to the SCLHK Christmas Cocktail Party.

SCLHK Hong Kong Legal Walk

SCLHK invites members and guests to join the SCL Hong Kong Legal Walk (HKLW) 2023.

SCLHK is pleased to join with other representatives from Hong Kong’s legal community in the common causes of charity and service to our local communities.

The walk will take you from Wanchai Ferry Pier to Sai Ying Pun along a 4.5km route which includes some of Hong Kong’s notable legal landmarks and most spectacular harbour front spots.

SCLHK’s Legal Walk will take place on 22 November 2023 (Wednesday), commencing at 6:15 pm, with the finish at Sai Ying Pun (Catch Restaurant - Second Street). The walk should take approximately 1hr (depending on ability) and for those wishing to stay for a celebratory drink, they are more than welcome.

The Hong Kong Legal Walk will raise funds and awareness for Mind HK, Equal Justice Hong Kong, and Justice Without Borders.

The Hong Kong Legal Walk is supported by HKIAC, HK Bar Association, and HKACC as well as many organisations and societies in Hong Kong. It is also supported by past supporters and participants of the London event including Founder Bob Nightingale MBE, President of the Law Society of England & Wales, I. Stephanie Boyce, and Lord Philips.

Participants are requested to make a minimum charity contribution of HK$100 to the Hong Kong Legal Walk using the following link The closing date to enter is 20 November 2023.

If you would like to find out more about the event, please visit


The theme for this year’s conference is Collaborative Contracting: Fostering Trust and Efficiency in Construction Projects.

In 2001, the Tang Report recommended a partnering approach to construction in Hong Kong to improve the delivery of construction projects on time, within budget and met specified quality standards. In 2009, the HK Government introduced the first NEC pilot for the Fuk Man Road Nullah Improvement in Sai Kung. The pilot project was a success. Since then, the Development Bureau alongside various works departments had extended the NEC form to various works categories. Over the years, various private entities have also introduced collaborative contracting. This year’s conference will look at what Hong Kong has learnt so far in running collaborative contracts, issues arising from such contracts and its dispute resolution mechanism.

A talk by Professor Leung Hing Fung for the launch of SCLHK and HKU’s “Adjudication Handbook for Security of Payment Provisions (IN PERSON)

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening in-person and on-line seminar.

A talk by Professor Leung Hing Fung for the launch of SCLHK and HKU’s “Adjudication Handbook for Security of Payment Provisions (ONLINE)

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening in-person and on-line seminar. Join Professor LEUNG, Hing Fung (梁慶豐) for the launch of the Adjudication Handbook for Security of Payment Provisions published by the SCLHK and the University of Hong Kong (Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture).
Possessing deep experience and specialist knowledge, Professor Leung will review the history of security of payment and adjudication in Hong Kong, the contractual SOP Framework implemented by Development Bureau’s circular DB TC(W) 6/2021, the impact of the pending “Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill” and the lessons learnt from caselaw from other jurisdictions including the UK, Australia and New Zealand. The seminar will consider the risks and opportunities presented by contractual and statutory adjudication processes for the Hong Kong construction industry, and the best use of adjudication to enhance contractual cash-flow and resolve construction disputes.
The Adjudication Handbook is available at in both English and Chinese. With adjudication becoming more prominent in Hong Kong, the handbook is intended to provide practical guidance on common issues that may arise during adjudication.
Originally trained as a quantity surveyor, Professor Leung is the Professor of Practice (Arbitration and Dispute Resolution) in the Department of Real Estate and Construction, University of Hong Kong and a practicing mediator, arbitrator and barrister, with a focus on arbitration and dispute resolution. He is a panel adjudicator and fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Adjudicators and regularly conducts adjudication training courses and presents on adjudication for professional and academic institutions in Hong Kong.

A talk by Professor Leung Hing Fung for the launch of SCLHK and HKU’s “Adjudication Handbook for Security of Payment Provisions

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening in-person and on-line seminar.

SCLHK Duffers Golf Day 2023

SCLHK Duffers Golf Day 2023

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites its members to its inaugural Golf Day.
Join colleagues and friends in the Hong Kong construction industry for a fun day out on the fairway.

Further particulars (including cost to play) to be provided, subject to expressions of interest.

This event is exclusively for members of the Society of Construction Law, Hong Kong.

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong will be held at the Hong Kong Club, No.1 Jackson Road, Central, Hong Kong on Wednesday 7th June 2023 commencing at 6.15 p.m.

Career Development and Opportunities in Construction Law for Junior Members

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an in-person panel discussion focussing on career progression and opportunities for junior members of the construction industry.

Choice of law, arbitrator’s jurisdiction and third-party funding – Issues in construction arbitration

Join well-regarded English silk, James Leabeater KC for a curated tour of important issues to watch in construction and infrastructure arbitration

2022 in Construction Law – the year in review

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening in-person seminar looking back over 2022 in construction law. Join preeminent English silk, Adam Robb KC of 39 Essex Chambers as he reviews key decisions, their consequences for construction and legal professionals, and considers issues to watch in 2023.

Christmas Cocktail Party

A warm welcome is extended to members and their guests to join us in celebrating the end of another eventful year. Come share a drink or two, delicious canapes and good company - free of charge to members of both the Society and the Lighthouse Club. This is a wonderful opportunity for members and guests to meet and mingle informally in the pleasant surroundings of the Hong Kong Club’s Garden Lounge.


The theme for this year’s conference is Money Talks – Payment & Cash Flow in Construction.

Over the past few years, the world has experienced remarkable events from significant geo-political changes to global lockdown due to the pandemic. Hong Kong is not shielded from these events which have increased the challenges faced by its construction industry in running projects, from difficulties in procurement, increased costing to getting paid.

This year’s conference will explore issues arising from these challenges and how we can be better prepared to cope with these challenges.

We are delighted to announce that Mr James Lee, First Vice-President, Hong Kong Construction Association will be our Keynote Speaker.

Pre-Conference Cocktail Reception - SCLHK ONE DAY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2022

SCLHK is delighted to invite all conference delegates and SCLHK members to a welcome
reception on Wednesday, 9th November 2022, to be held at the China Club, Old Bank of China
Building, Bank Street, Central, Hong Kong commencing at 6.30pm.This is an opportunity to
meet our eminent conference speakers and to catch up with friends in the Society before the
conference on Friday, 11th November 2022.
Please RSVP to confirm your attendance by email, to Ms. Ann Chan at
* All attendees are required to fulfil certain COVID-19 vaccination requirements of the Government’s Vaccine Pass initiative before attending
this event
1. RAT Test: Every attendee must show a photo of a negative RAT test completed within 24 hours of the event - your name, date and time
must be written on the test and clearly visible on the photograph.
2. LeaveHomeSafe: All attendees will be required to use the LeaveHomeSafe app and present a QR code of vaccination, or medical exemption
certificate. Persons with Amber or Red codes will not be allowed to enter.

Hong Kong Legal Walk - Trek from Aldrich Bay to Kennedy Town (12.5km) 29 October 2022

SCLHK invites members and guests to join it on the first inaugural Hong Kong Legal Walk (HKLW).

SCLHK is pleased to join with other representatives from Hong Kong’s legal community in participating in this charity event, based on London’s own annual Legal Walk, that has raised over HKD 100M over the 19 years. The walk will take you from Aldrich Bay to Kennedy Town along a 12.5km route which includes some of Hong Hong’s notable legal landmarks and most spectacular harbour front spots.

SCLHK’s Legal Walk will take place on the 29 October 2022 (Saturday), commencing at 8am, followed by a few light snacks and drinks in Kennedy Town (at a venue to be determined) for those wishing to stay longer.

The Hong Kong Walk will raise funds and awareness for the Hong Kong Cancer Fund, the Changing Young Lives Foundation, the Association for the Rights of Industrial Accidents Victims and HELP for Domestic Workers.

The Hong Kong Legal Walk is supported by HKIAC, HK Bar Association and HKACC as well as many organisations and societies in Hong Kong. It is also supported by past supporters and participants of the London event including Founder Bob Nightingale MBE, President of the Law Society of England & Wales, I. Stephanie Boyce, and Lord Philips.

Participants are requested to make a minimum charity contribution of HK$100 to the Hong Kong Legal Walk using the following link the closing date to enter is 20 October 2022.

If you would like to find out more about the event, please visit

NEC Option C (Target Cost) Contracts Common issues and disputes and how to manage them

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening webinar on NEC4 Option C (Target Cost and the common disputes that arise in connection with the use of this contract form. Our speakers, Mr. Jeremy Glover and Ms. Claire King of Fenwick Elliot will provide an overview of the contract form, its key concepts and mechanisms as well as providing practical tips for avoiding some of the typical issues and disputes that they’ve encountered when advising and assisting developers and contractors using the NEC4 target cost option

An evening discussion with Sir Vivian Ramsey QC (This Event is now full for in person attendance - a link will be sent for the Webinar)

Mr. Thomas Lee, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong (SCLHK) invites you to an a SCLHK special event – an evening discussion with Sir Vivian Ramsey QC. Speaking with Ben Bury of Holman Fenwick Willan, Sir Vivian will be invited to share his thoughts on his distinguished career, the future development of construction law, and the opportunities and challenges faced by the industry in East and Southeast Asia.

Competition law in construction: common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Mr. Thomas Lee, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong (SCLHK) invites you to an evening seminar. In recent years, the construction sector has been the subject of close regulatory attention from competition law authorities around the world, as seen from the high-profile and large-scale probes into infringements of competition law (through so-called "cartels"). In Asia, jurisdictions such as Japan and Korea have had a steady track record of enforcement in the construction sector for many years, whilst enforcement in Hong Kong and China has also increased rapidly. Cartel cases in the construction sector often involve a range of anti-competitive behaviour including price fixing, market sharing, bid rigging and the exchange of competitively sensitive information. In this presentation, we will take a closer look at how competition law risks can materialize in the construction sector, and explore ways in which companies can guard against these risks.

Annual General Meeting Followed by a talk to be given by John Scott QC, SC, JP


NEC Contract – An update on the latest changes and case law developments

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening webinar on the latest updates involving the NEC Contracts. Given the increasing use of the NEC Contract within Hong Kong, in this seminar, our speakers who are members of the NEC board and experts on NEC, will provide an insight into various practical issues relating to the programme and delay assessment, omissions, notices and some of the latest case law involving NEC Contracts.

Pace Oddity: An exploration of the risks and opportunities associated with slowing down works (Pacing Delays)

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening webinar on Pacing Delays. In this seminar, our speakers, one a lawyer and one a delay expert, probe the potential consequences of a Contractor's decision to decelerate some or all of its Works in response to a delay event for which the Employer is responsible. While in some cases deceleration is likely to be a 'no-brainer', there are risks associated with such a decision, for example, if another delay event occurs or a dispute arises. In current circumstances, where global supply chains have been impacted by COVID-related measures, it is likely that the question of pacing and deceleration will be raised more frequently. In particular, this seminar will consider some of the ways Employers and Contractors might gain or lose from 'pacing delays' as well as the contractual provisions that might come in to play when pacing occurs. It will also consider how critical path analysis, and treatment of concurrent delays, may be impacted by a decision to pace.

2021 in Construction Law – the year in review

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening webinar looking back over 2021 in construction law. Join our panel of four preeminent English silks as they review key decisions, their consequences for construction and legal professionals, and consider issues to watch in 2022.

Christmas Cocktail Party



SCLHK is pleased to invite you to its 2021 One Day International Conference.

The theme for this year’s conference is Hong Kong Tomorrow – Opportunities and Challenges for Future Projects.


Wednesday 10 November 2021, China Club, Central from 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Technical evidence and construction disputes - an expert’s eye view

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong invites you to an evening webinar exploring the role of technical experts in resolving construction industry disputes. Technical evidence can cover a wide range of subject areas, including architectural engineering and geotechnical issues, providing key information on what went wrong (or right!) on a project. Please join us as our panel considers topics including the lawyer-expert relationship, properly defining the technical issues in dispute, the preparation and presentation of technical evidence, and the pros and cons of different procedural approaches.

Security of Payment in Hong Kong - Learning from the Asian and Australian experience

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Adjudicators invites you to an evening webinar exploring security of payment regimes in Asia and Australia and their potential lessons for Hong Kong. As Hong Kong’s Development Bureau prepares to implement contractual security of payment provisions in public works contracts and sub-contracts, join us to hear from experienced lawyers from Australia, Malaysia and Singapore as they share their country’s experience. Our panellists will give their views on the opportunities and challenges that Hong Kong’s construction industry may encounter after this important change to the legal landscape.

Webinar: Triple Point Technology v PTT - an end for liquidated damages?

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong is pleased to invite you to an evening webinar exploring the impact of the recent UK Supreme Court decision in Triple Point Technology Inc v PTT Public Company Ltd [2021] UKSC 29. The judgment is of significant interest for the construction industry, restoring certainty regarding the proper interpretation and application of liquidated damages clauses where a contract is terminated after works are delayed, but before they are completed. Join us to hear from James Howells QC, the lead counsel for the successful appellant.

Webinar: AGM 2021 followed by a talk - Break it Down Again?

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong will be held at the Hong Kong Club, No.1 Jackson Road, Central, Hong Kong on Tuesday 15 June 2021 commencing at 6.15 p.m. Due to continuing COVID-19 and social distancing restrictions, only a limited number of people are permitted to physically attend the Club. In the circumstances, as things currently stand, the AGM will be broadcast by Zoom, with members attending virtually.

Webinar: Tips and tricks for emerging practitioners about developing a career in construction in Hong Kong

The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong and the Lighthouse Club Young Members Group are delighted to invite their members to an evening webinar to hear from a distinguished panel who will share their thoughts and insights on how they developed their careers and provide some guidance on what emerging practitioners could consider when developing their own careers in construction in Hong Kong. Join us to hear from:

Webinar: Contractors’ Liability to Property Buyers – NSW’s Extreme Statutory Fix – is there a place for this in Hong Kong?

Our Chairman, Calvin Cheuk, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to our evening webinar to be given by Matthew White SC of Nine Wentworth Chambers, Sydney on Wednesday, 12 May 2021.

Online: An independent certifier? The practical and legal issues facing the construction industry in Hong Kong

Our Chairman, Calvin Cheuk, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to our evening webinar to be given by John Cock of On Q Consulting Limited and Glenn Haley of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner on Tuesday, 30 March 2021. Our speakers will tackle the interesting question of the independence of certifiers under construction contracts, and what this means from both a practical and legal perspective.

Looking back at the Year of the Rat: The top 5 Construction Cases from Around the World

Our Chairman, Calvin Cheuk, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to our evening webinar to be given by Andrew Goddard QC, Samar Abbas Kazmi and Lauren Adams of Atkin Chambers on Thursday, 25 February 2021. Our speakers will tell
us about 5 of the most important construction cases decided in the past 12 months and what this means for construction practitioners in Hong Kong.

Webinar: Halliburton v Chubb: what it means for arbitrator bias – around the world and in Asia

You are invited to the first joint event of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch) to be held in 2021.

You will hear from three pre-eminent speakers on the recent UK Supreme Court decision on arbitrator bias: Halliburton v Chubb [2020] UKSC 48. This webinar will be presented by Michael Crane QC of Fountain Court Chambers (who led the team for Chubb), Jonathan Webb of Holman Fenwick Willan (who led the team for one of the interveners) and the Honourable Rimsky Yuen SC of Temple Chambers.

Online Annual Conference - Planning For The Unexpected

SCLHK’s flagship Annual Conference will this year be moved online, due to Covid-19. This will be a series of 4 webinars to be held at 6pm on the dates stated above. This year’s Annual

Webinar: An application re the conduct of a construction arbitration in light of COVID-19: For and Against

Our Chairman, Calvin Cheuk, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to our evening webinar to be given by John Beechey and Mark Lloyd-Williams on Thursday, 29 October 2020. This webinar will be an interesting presentation, given by two very-well respected arbitrators taking each side of the debate in relation to an application about the proper conduct of a construction arbitration in light of COVID-19.

Webinar: Lessons from the Commission of Inquiry

Our Chairman, Calvin Cheuk, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to our evening webinar to be given by Ian Pennicott SC QC, Philip Boulding QC and Geoffrey Chan on Wednesday, 9 September 2020.

Ian, Philip and Geoffrey were all involved in the Commission of Inquiry into the Construction Works at and near the Hung Hom Station Extension under the Shatin to Central Link Project. With the Final Report published earlier this year, members are invited to learn the lessons from both Counsel and Instructing Solicitors who played an integral part in the Inquiry.

Webinar: The DNA of innovation for the Legal and Construction Professions

We know that every sector needs to be constantly reinventing itself and innovating. We also know that clients expect their representatives to be resourceful, creative thinkers. Contrary to popular belief, the most creative ideas are not unique or random. They have a template which makes them learnable, robust and applicable to any sector. What is more, they are used not outside but inside the box. In this webinar, Rachel Audigé will share some of the templates and the principles of Systematic Inventive Thinking that apply to them and work with the group to explore their value for Legal and Construction Professions.


NEC is a relatively new form of contract for procuring engineering works, goods and services. It was built from the ground up to solve common industry challenges and delivers major benefits to clients and contractors alike in terms of ushering in a collaborative mindset, offering significant flexibility to tailor to specific situations; offering a broad suite of contracts for application across multiple sectors and scopes of work; presenting a manual for good project management and contract administration; and encouraging a proactive attitude to managing risk.
The seminar will cover:
• An introduction to the contract
• Its philosophy and development
• The family of contracts and their applications
• The contract structure and layout
• Case studies in use
• A high level compare and contrast to the GC21 and AS forms

Webinar: Avoiding hammer blows to programming analysis in delay disputes

Presented by Petrina Macpherson, William Kerr, Jeremie Witt, Samuel McCarthy
In several recent cases delay expert evidence was found to be unsatisfactory by the court.
This panel discussion traces the common problem areas with delay expert evidence moving through the processes from selection of the expert to cross-examination in arbitration or litigation, and provides strategies to ensure the preparation of persuasive and accessible delay analysis.

Annual General Meeting 2020

Annual General Meeting

Followed by a talk to be given by
Philip Boulding QC

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong will be held at the Hong Kong Club, No.1 Jackson Road, Central, Hong Kong on Thursday 18 June 2020 commencing at 6.15 p.m.

Annual General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong will be held at the Hong Kong Club, No.1 Jackson Road, Central, Hong Kong on Thursday 18 June 2020 commencing at 6.15 p.m.

SCLHK Evening Webinar: Liquidated Damages – Where next after Triple Point

Our Chairman, Ashley Howlett, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to our second evening webinar to be given by David Streatfeild-James QC from Atkin Chambers on Wednesday, 3 June 2020.

David will address the interesting case of Triple Point Technology v PTT [2019] EWCA Civ 230 and the tricky issues of liquidated damages and termination.

SCLHK Evening Webinar by the Honourable Rimsky Yuen SC and Mr Shannon Sedgwick

Our Chairman, Ashley Howlett, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to an evening webinar to be given by the Honourable Rimsky Yuen SC of Temple Chambers and Mr Shannon Sedgwick, Senior Managing Director, of Ankura on Wednesday, 29 April 2020.

SCLHK Evening Seminar by Mr David Thomas QC

Our Chairman, Ashley Howlett, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to an evening seminar to be given by David Thomas QC from Keating Chambers on Wednesday, 15 January 2020 at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.

SCLHK One Day Conference 2019

Speakers - Mr CHAN Ka-kui, SBS, JP and others

Expert evidence in arbitration_court – too complex?

Speaker - Sir Robert Akenhead

HKICAdj Construction Adjudicators Training 2019

HKICAdj is delivering an Adjudicators Accreditation Training Course to provide construction professionals with insights about contractual and statutory adjudication. This training course will be discussing the proposed Security of Payment Legislation (SOPL) in Hong Kong and also integrating with NEC3 and NEC4 ECC adjudication frameworks.

Obtain your Certificate of Construction Adjudicators from Dec. 14 to 17, 2019.

The ICC Commission Report on Construction Industry Arbitrations – Practical Experiences of an Arbitrator

Speaker - Mr John Bishop

The ICC Commission Report on Construction Industry Arbitrations – Practical Experiences of an Arbitrator

Our Chairman, Ashley Howlett, on behalf of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong, cordially invites you to an evening seminar to be held on Tuesday 10 September 2019 at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.

This presentation will be given by Mr John Bishop. John will give his thoughts on the recently released ICC Commission Report on Construction Industry Arbitrations and explore his practical experiences from the perspective of an arbitrator.

Third Party Funding for Construction Arbitration: Is it really a thing?


Notice of Annual General Meeting


Talk after the AGM by the Hon Mr Justice Russell Coleman


Regulation of the Hong Kong Construction Industry


Questions arising from a construction insolvency: a liquidator’s perspective


Hong Kong-Macau-Guangdong Greater Bay Area: Opportunities and Challenges for Construction Professionals


Compiling Loss of Profits claims - An Accountant's Perspective


Building Virtually for Eternity


Society of Construction Law HK Christmas Cocktail Party


SCLHK One Day International Conference 2018


European Construction Public Procurement, Current Issues and Perspectives


The Bricks & Mortar of Construction Disputes: Topics that will cement your knowledge


Construction Projects: Delayed and Confused? ….. Lose the blues in CHICAGO


Notices, Time Bars and Proportionality


Concurrent Delay – How is it dealt with? Is concurrency in fact a myth?


Annual General Meeting


SCLHK Half-day Workshop 2018 – Recent Developments in Standard Form Contracts – NEC4 and FIDIC


Construction Arbitrations – Recent trends and developments


Capstones of the Hong Kong Competition Ordinance within the Construction Industry


How to Build on Success and Avoid Pitfalls


Alternative rights to terminate a commercial contract: successful use and liability for misuse


Christmas Cocktail Party


The SCL Protocol and Translating Time into Money


SCLHK One Day International Conference 2017


Implementing BIM in construction projects


Third party funding for arbitration: practical opportunities and challenges for construction disputes


#171 Elements of a robust delay analysis


Annual General Meeting


Failure by the CA to comply with payment regimes - "smash and grab" explained


SCLHK Half Day Workshop 2017 - Failure to approve and certify by the contract administrator


Troublesome Tribunals - Apparent bias in International Arbitration - the perspective from Hong Kong


Event #166 "Role of the forensic engineer in construction disputes and how best to brief them" by Sean Brady


Event #165 - The proposed security of payment legislation in Hong Kong by Steven Beaumont of Quantum Global Solutions


Event #164 Controlling Costs of Major Projects


Event #162(b) SCLHK One Day Conference


Event #162(a) SCLHK Pre-Conference Cocktails


Event #161 "One Belt One Road : Bumps, Bruises and Bunions" By Paul Starr


Event #160 Unforeseen Ground Conditions


Event #159 Global Construction Disputes Report 2016




To Prove or Disprove


Half Day Workshop on Construction Contract Administration and Claims


New Technology and Innovation - International Video Seminar


NEC 3 – Overview and Case Studies on the Engineering and Construction Contract


Third Party Funding in Hong Kong


Are we moving in the right direction in assessing construction delays?


Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance


SCLHK Christmas Cocktails 2015


SCLHK Christmas Cocktails 2015


SCLHK One Day International Conference 2015


Cocktail Reception for One Day International Conference


Termination of Construction Contracts


Forum on the Government's Consultation Document for the Proposed Security of Payment Legislation
