Vincent Moran is a leading KC whose practice covers a wide range of advocacy, advisory and drafting work related to construction, engineering, transport, energy and information technology disputes along with associated professional negligence and insurance matters. He has been involved in a number of high profile cases across his different areas of practice such as Crossrail, offshore wind farms, North Sea oil exploration equipment, PFI disputes, waste to energy power plant disputes, a major coal fired power station dispute in SA and applications for the removal of arbitrators, including the Cofely case.
He has been retained in disputes arising under most standard form contracts used in substantial projects (including the JCT, ICE, NEC, IChemE and FIDIC forms) and is also regularly instructed in domestic and international arbitrations (including ICC, LCIA, DIAC, SIAC and HKIAC arbitrations), DABs adjudication work and has extensive experience in alternative dispute resolution in the UK.
In this talk, Vincent will:
The event fee is $200 but there is a 50% discount for Basic and Overseas members, and the event is free for Full and Student members (but log in is required).
Event fee | HK$200.00 |
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